Thursday, March 1, 2012

Check out the animal character your friend created.


  1. I think i should live in a tropical rain forest because my arms are realy good for climbing and so is my tail. My legs are realy good for running away from predators. My ears are good for hunting at night. My horns are used for fighting.

  2. I think I could live in the Deciduous Forest because I adap well to the seasons and I love to see the changes in the forest.I could get food every winter and survive - Madeline Smith

  3. I think I could live in the African Grassland because my legs are built to run and good for bring down prey.Also my mane keeps me cool and protect me from other lions.Also my tail keeps me balanced when I'm running.My snout has a good smelling glands and has sharp teeth that are good for cutting meat.
