Monday, February 20, 2012

Weather and Climate

Differentiate between the weather and climate of one biome.  Explain the daily weather patterns of that biome, and how those weather patterns might be different than trends over a longer period of time. 


  1. Weather is the temperature every day. Climate is the weather like in Texas in a pattern. For example the weather today is warm.The climate in Teaxs is cold,hot,and warm.

  2. The tundra and the desert are different in weather and the climate.The climate in the tundra is cold, while the climate in the desert is so hot some rain never hits the ground.The temperature in the tundra is -34 degrees.
    The Desert is 130 degrees, way hotter than the tundra. The climates are the exact opposite of eachother.

  3. Weather is the average temperature and the average yearly rainfall. Like in the desert it is 15 degrees to 30 degrees north or south of the equator and there is less than 10 inches of rain there. Climate is the weather trends that happen in a biome. Like floods that happen in the desert.

  4. the climate for one climate could be for the taiga 27 degrees farinhight. The weather for it would be 30-85degrees farinhight for the weather

    BY:ashley arp

  5. weather,cold or hot weather is a combination of hot,cold,sunny and cloudy.climate rainy snowy. all the difference is that one is hot and cold and snowy and rain.
