Monday, March 5, 2012

Wanted Poster Examples

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Example Trading Cards

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

Example Pocketmod

I love this website!!  Unfortunately I learned how to save as a jpeg towards the end of our project, but here is an example of what you can make!

Desert! by Ethan Southard

Grasslands by Grisel Godoy

Taiga Food Chain by Cameron Pitts


by Cami Hering

 by Halie Askey

by Katie Grace

by Madison Grace

Biome Pocketmod! by Joel Rodriguez

The Assignment

All documents are uploaded on my teacher website here.

• Differentiate between weather and climate. (5.8a)
• Observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities within an ecosystem (3.9a)
• Describe how the flow of energy derived from the sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain to consumers and decomposers (5.9b)
• Observe the way organisms live and survive in their ecosystem by interacting with the living and nonliving elements. (5.9a) • Predict the effects of changes in ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or the building of highways. (5.9c)
• Compare the structures and functions of different species that help them live and survive such as hooves on prairie animals or webbed feet in aquatic animals (5.10a)

• Research your assigned biome, and complete the Biome Information Chart (attached).
• Use the resources outlined at
o Log into discovery learning using the username I gave you and the password Carson o Find the Biomes assignment. All the information is listed there, as well as attached videos, websites and pictures for you to use for research. Use these resources to answer the questions on the Biome Information Chart.
• Create 6 Trading Cards for your Biome. Use the information gathered in the Biome Information Chart to create the questions, statements, facts, or pictures for the trading cards o
o Use the Biome Trading Card Template off my teacher website to create the trading cards-be very creative and informative!
o Be prepared to trade five of your cards with other students from different biomes.
• Complete the Biome Chart for all Biomes through information gathered on Trading Cards.
• Complete the Biome Think-Tac-Toe activity individually, identifying and describing all the characteristics and interrelationships of each biome.

Desert by Joel Rodriguez

Biomes!!! by Victoria Martinez

Tropical Rainforest by Seth Patrick

Tropical Rain Forest by Madison Scroggins

Biomes!!! by Mandi McCrary

Tropical Rain Forest by Katy Young

Tropical Rain Forest by Wendy Pacheco

Taiga by Cami Wicker

Check out the animal character your friend created.

Desert Food Web by Anahi Pacheco

Grassland Food Web by Anahi Pacheco

Taiga Food Web by Michael Benitez

Grassland Food Chain by Meagan Shields


Write a paragraph reflecting on the Biome Project. What types of things did you learn? Discuss your favorite parts, and your least favorite parts. Be gentle, but honest! :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012